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  • Centre of Family Medicine (CEFAM), Karolinska
  • Institute, Stockholm, Sweden
  • Research and
  • Development Unit, Jamtland County Council,
  • Ostersund, Sweden

The fetal mouse gonad is connected to the mesonephros by the mesonephric tubules gastritis ulcer disease discount macrobid 50 mg overnight delivery, which link the two organs at the anterior end of the gonad gastritis quotes buy 50mg macrobid overnight delivery. Germ cells in the fetal mouse ovary enter meiosis in a wave that spreads along the long axis of the gonad over a period of 3 to 4 days gastritis fatigue cheap 100mg macrobid with amex, and which is initiated at the anterior end of the organ chronic gastritis yahoo answers discount macrobid 100mg line. The separation of the diplotene oocyte from the surrounding tissue secures its survival and creates a unique environment gastritis diet virus buy cheap macrobid 50 mg online, which is necessary to sustain further growth and differentiation gastritis diet buy macrobid without prescription. If the oocyte in the diplotene stage fails to be enclosed in a follicle, it invariably degenerates. Many others, whose importance has been demonstrated in mouse knockout models, are as yet of uncertain clinical relevance. The first follicles are encountered in the human ovary at approximately the fourteenth week of fetal life, and folliculogenesis is completed immediately after birth. Recent rodent data have demonstrated that FoxL2 expression is initiated after mitotic arrest of that population of pregranulosa cells (originating from the surface epithelium), and that those follicles formed before birth, within the medulla of the ovary, begin to grow immediately. There thus appear to be two waves of folliculogenesis, at least in the mouse, the first generating primordial follicles that subsequently begin to grow prepubertally, with the second, cortical population, underpinning adult fertility. The relevance of this to human ovarian development is unclear: the ovaries of children contain a large proportion of abnormal follicles that are lost by puberty,88 which may potentially represent these two populations. The appearance and growth of the first follicles coincides with the increase in the levels of fetal gonadotropins. Whether these two events are causally related is uncertain but it is perhaps of relevance that sex steroids, particularly estrogen, have been implicated in the timing of follicle formation in several species, including the cow and the baboon. It has been suggested that stanniocalcin may be implicated in the differentiation of steroid-producing cells. Although P450c17 in the adult ovary is specifically expressed in interstitial and theca cells, it appears to be expressed also in oocytes and somatic cells of the early developing human ovary, albeit at low levels localized to isolated cell clusters. Although cells with ultrastructural characteristics of steroid production potentials are noted from the twelfth week of gestation in the human ovary,1 hardly any estradiol synthesis is observed in fetal ovaries from midgestation to late gestation,98,99 illustrating that the whole chain of enzymes necessary for converting cholesterol to estradiol is not properly expressed in sufficient quantities until just before birth. However, fetal blood does contain large amounts of estrogen, thus providing an exogenous source. This demonstrates that conversion of androgens to estrogens is feasible in early human follicles, whereas de novo synthesis of estrogens from cholesterol will not occur. This may represent an aspect of somatic sexual dimorphism predating gonadal sex differentiation. In species with delayed meiosis, such as the sheep,104 rabbit,105 and cow,106 considerable amounts of estradiol are secreted during a limited premeiotic period (the delay period) of fetal life. In the rabbit, it has been shown by quantitative cytochemistry that the intraovarian rete cells of the medulla exhibit activity of 3-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase during the delay period. The mechanisms that trigger differentiation of the steroidproducing cells and initiation of steroid production are unknown. It therefore seems unlikely that pituitary gonadotropins control the onset of fetal ovarian steroidogenesis. The origin of the theca cells has not been established but a pool of cells with potential for differentiating into theca cells must be present at all times, because every growing follicle sooner or later during its development recruits a theca layer. The late fetal ovary and the ovary during childhood contain numerous small antral follicles with well-differentiated theca cells. However, throughout childhood, serum levels of estrogens and other steroids remain low, probably because of lack of sufficient gonadotropic stimulation during this period. Follicular growth starts in the early second trimester, and antral follicles are often seen 1 month before birth. Therefore the ovaries of the female newborn infant contain preantral and antral follicles, at different stages of growth and atresia, in addition to a large pool of primordial follicles. If the cysts are larger than 5 cm in diameter, intervention may be needed to prevent adnexal torsion. Huang C-C, Yao H: Inactivation of Dicer1 in steroidogenic factor 1-positive cells reveals tissue-specific requirement for Dicer1 in adrenal, testis, and ovary. Gubbay J, Collignon J, Koopman P, et al: A gene mapping to the sexdetermining region of the mouse Y chromosome is a member of a novel family of embryonically expressed genes. Warr N, Greenfield A: the molecular and cellular basis of gonadal sex reversal in humans and mice. Ohinata Y, Ohta H, Shigeta M, et al: A signaling principle for the specification of the germ cell lineage in mice. Martineau J, Nordqvist K, Tilmann C, et al: Male-specific cell migration into the developing gonad. This suggests that these hormones also play important intrafollicular functions in follicles from the ovaries of young girls. Although follicles may reach 6 mm in diameter during childhood, the size of the largest healthy, growing follicle does not generally exceed 10 mm. In vitro evidence suggests that their capacity for growth is different from that of adult follicles. Zou K, Yuan Z, Yang Z, et al: Production of offspring from a germline stem cell derived from neonatal ovaries. Lei L, Spradling A: Female mice lack adult germline stem cells but sustain oogenesis through stable primordial follicles. Block E: Quantitative morphological investigations of the follicular system in women. Johnson J, Canning J, Kaneko T, et al: Germline stem cells and follicular renewal in the postnatal mammalian ovary. Zhang H, Zheng W, Shen Y, et al: Experimental evidence showing that no mitotically active female germline progenitors exist in postnatal mouse ovaries. Yuan J, Zhang D, Wang L, et al: No evidence that neo-oogenesis may link to ovarian senescence in the adult monkey. Zhang H, Liu L, Li X, et al: Life-long in vivo cell lineage tracing shows that no oogenesis originates from putative germline stem cells in adult mice. Cohen P, Pollack S, Pollard J: Genetic analysis of chromosome pairing, recombination and cell cycle control during the first meiotic prophase in mammals. Crichton J, Playfoot C, Adams I: the role of chromatin modifications in progression through mouse meiotic prophase. Bullejos M, Koopman P: Germ cells enter meiosis in a rostro-caudal wave during development of the fetal mouse ovary. Clermont Y, Huckins C: Microscopic anatomy of the sex cords and seminiferous tubules in growing and adult albino rats. Wartenberg H: Development of the early human ovary and role of the mesonephros in the differentiation of the cortex. McLean G, Li H, Metzger D, et al: Apoptotic extinction of germ cells in testes of Cyp26b1 knockout mice. Stoop H, Honecker F, Cools M, et al: Development and differentiation of human female germ cells during prenatal gonadogenesis: an immunohistochemical study. Mauleon P, Bezard J, Terqui M: Very early and transient secretion of oestradiol17 by foetal sheep ovary in vitro. Shemesh M: Estradiol-17 biosynthesis by the early bovine fetal ovary during the active and refractory phases. Gougeon A: Regulation of ovarian follicular development in primates: facts and hypotheses. Faiman C, Wirth J: Gonadotropins and sex hormone pattern in puberty, clinical data. In a series of testicular grafting experiments, Jost4,5 first demonstrated that two distinct testicular hormones direct differentiation along the male pathway and speculated that in the absence of a testis, female development was the default pathway. This paradigm has been challenged in recent years with the recognition that specific gene signaling is required for ovarian formation and development of female genitalia. Epithelial cells delaminate from the coelomic epithelium, enter the urogenital ridge, and enclose the germ cells to form the primary sex cords. Germ cells along the migratory pathway that fail to reach the ridge undergo degeneration; germ cells that persist may be the origin of teratomas. Some of the genes critical for testis development also play a role in other aspects of fetal development. These germ cells migrate to the hindgut epithelium, then spread dorsally along the mesentery and the body wall mesenchyme in response to chemotactic signals and populate the primitive gonad in the urogenital ridge. B, Confocal images showing the sex-specific changes in gonadal morphology and gene expression during this early stage of gonadal development. Targeted deletion of Dhh disrupts early cord formation and severely impairs spermatogenesis and fetal Leydig cell differentiation. Other, as yet unidentified, autosomal genes located within chromosomal deletions, such as 9p24 and 10q, which are associated with sex reversal or partial gonadal dysgenesis, may also play critical roles in testicular differentiation. The coelomic vessel is formed with a network of branching capillaries restricted to the interstitial space. These capillaries eventually drain into venules in the mesonephros and are thought to be important for rapid distribution of testicular hormones into the systemic circulation. Concurrently, fetal Leydig cells differentiate from the interstitial mesenchymal cells between the testicular cords, the interstitium of which also contains endothelial cells, macrophages, and fibroblasts. The Leydig cells are the steroidogenic cells of the testis that produce testosterone to virilize the male genitalia and internal reproductive tract. The testicular cords separate from the overlying epithelium when a dense layer of fibroblastic cells forms the tunica albuginea. By the ninth week, the rete testis, the anastomosing ends of the cords near the hilus of the testis, extends into the mesonephric ridge and eventually connects to the remaining mesonephric tubules to eventually form the ductus deferens. Many genes that are critical for formation of the bipotential gonad are also essential for formation of the urogenital ridge. Mice with null deletions of Lhx1, Lhx9, and Emx2 manifest defects in urogenital ridge development and lack gonads. The wolffian, or mesonephric, duct arises as the caudal extension of the pronephric excretory duct. Sexually dimorphic development of the primitive ducts in the undifferentiated urogenital ridge is dependent on the local hormonal milieu. In mice with Pax2 deletions, the gonads form normally, but the genital ducts fail to develop, suggesting a specific role for Pax2 in controlling differentiation of the intermediate mesoderm. Testosterone-stimulated differentiation and growth of the wolffian structures (epididymis, vas deferens, seminal vesicles) occurs between 9 and 14 weeks of embryonic life. Then their number remains stable until week 24, when the number starts to decline. From week 12 to week 18, the Leydig cells appear hyperplastic and constitute the largest relative percentage of the testicular volume during fetal development. The decrease in Leydig cell numbers during the latter part of gestation is accompanied by a parallel decline in their production of androgen. The hallmark of a terminally differentiated Leydig cell is the acquisition of steroidogenic capacity. The biosynthesis of testosterone commences at week 7 to week 8 and thereafter increases markedly to reach peak rates at 14 to 16 weeks. Thus the steroidogenic capacity per fetal Leydig cell is higher than that of adult Leydig cells. Studies on the effects of other hormones and paracrine factors on steroidogenesis by fetal Leydig cells have yielded discrepant findings. Fetal Leydig cells have been shown to be insensitive to the inhibitory effects of estrogens, a property that would enable the fetus to circumvent the high concentrations of maternal estrogens that might be present in the intrauterine milieu. The interstitial space contains predominantly mesenchymal cells that are precursors of the postnatal adult Leydig cells. These "infantile" Leydig cells have a multilobed nucleus and little smooth endoplasmic reticulum. The mesenchymal cells proliferate and increase in number during childhood, then differentiate at puberty to adult steroid-secreting cells with a large polygonal configuration, eccentric nuclear position, abundant smooth endoplasmic reticulum, pleomorphic mitochondria, and well-developed Golgi apparatus. The secretion of testosterone by the mature adult Leydig cells is needed for spermatogenesis and secondary sexual maturation. Morphologically, the adult Leydig cells can be distinguished from fetal Leydig cells by the presence of Reinke crystals, which are of unknown function but specific to mature Leydig cells. The number of mature Leydig cells in the adult testis is relatively static as the terminally differentiated cells do not divide, although a limited number of Leydig cells may arise de novo from mesenchymal precursors in the interstitial space. The Sertoli cells are considered the "nurse" or supporting cells for the germ cells and regulate many germ cell functions. A deficiency in Sertoli cell number will impact the number and quality of sperm in the mature testis. The relative numbers of Sertoli and germ cells within the seminiferous tubules vary throughout the stages of reproductive development, with the predominance being Sertoli cells initially. As testosterone production declines during the third trimester, however, germ cell mitotic activity also declines, resulting in fewer germ cells than Sertoli cells. After birth, germ cells proliferate transiently during the neonatal minipuberty, then stop dividing. With pubertal onset, germ cell proliferation equalizes the number of germ cells and Sertoli cells in the pubertal testis.

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Among the former are major cardiac defects, and this aspect alone may be sufficient to justify retaining the scan. A case may also be made for retaining some first trimester biochemical markers, specifically for use in screening for adverse pregnancy outcomes such as preeclampsia and growth restriction. These outcomes are much more common than all aneuploidies combined, and a large proportion can be prevented through first trimester screening followed by daily low-dose soluble aspirin in screen-positive women. Prenatal screening and diagnostic programs therefore need to have access to counsellors experienced in the clinical and social aspects. Retrospective quality assurance measures include periodic review of control data, continuous monitoring of MoM values, screen-positive rates and, when possible, collection of pregnancy outcome data. Planning a Program Early screening and diagnosis is highly advantageous because it provides earlier reassurance, and if termination of pregnancy is chosen, it can be completed earlier in pregnancy when the procedure is clinically easier and safer126; it is also emotionally easier for patients who undergo termination before fetal movements are felt. Optimal design of a new screening program therefore focuses on early testing whenever possible. Although the emphasis is on early screening and diagnosis, it is recognised that not all patients will present for prenatal care early enough, and some tests. Until recently, the design of a new prenatal screening program was largely focused on the constraints of invasive testing, specifically, minimising the number of invasive procedure-related fetal losses and ensuring the costs of the invasive testing were manageable. There were a wide range of serum and ultrasound markers available, and the design of the screening was therefore determined largely by the availability of sonographers who were proficient in biometry, gestational age of women referred for screening, and other practical considerations such as costs and individual patient preferences. Components of variance which differ locally will include analytic precision (assay performance varies) and gestational error which is largely dependent on the extent to which ultrasound dating is carried out before testing. To some extent, the phenomenon also occurs with other markers but is not as obvious. In practice, the cutoff is usually determined by the recommendation of national or international bodies. There is a growing recognition that conventional prenatal screening tests have an important role in the identification of nonchromosomal fetal disorders and pregnancy complications. Women will require additional prenatal counselling as these advances are introduced into routine prenatal care. Maternal serum alpha fetoprotein measurement in antenatal screening for anencephaly and spina bifida in early pregnancy. An association between low maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein and fetal chromosome abnormalities. Position statement from the aneuploidy screening committee on behalf of the board of the international society for prenatal diagnosis. Multianalyte maternal serum screening for chromosomal abnormalities and neural tube defects. The imprecision in rates of Down syndrome by 1-year maternal age intervals: a critical analysis of rates used in biochemical screening. Rates of Down syndrome at livebirth by one-year maternal age intervals in studies with apparent close to complete ascertainment in populations of European origin: a proposed rate schedule for use in biochemical screening. Joint estimation of Down syndrome risk and ascertainment rates: a meta-analysis of nine published data sets. Agestandardisation when target setting and auditing performance of Down syndrome screening programmes. Estimating the spontaneous loss of Down syndrome fetuses between the time of chorionic villus sampling and livebirth. The natural history of cytogenetically abnormal fetuses detected at midtrimester amniocentesis which are not terminated electively: new data and estimates of the excess and relative risk of late fetal death associated with 47,+21 and some other abnormal karyotypes. The natural history of Down syndrome conceptuses diagnosed prenatally that are not electively terminated. Refinements in managing maternal weight adjustment for interpreting maternal screening results. Medians for second-trimester maternal serum -fetoprotein, human chorionic gonadotropin, and unconjugated estriol; differences between races or ethnic groups. Fetal nuchal translucency: ultrasound screening for chromosomal defects in first trimester of pregnancy. First-trimester trisomy screening: nuchal translucency measurement training and quality assurance to correct and unify technique. Pregnancy-associated plasma protein a in the prediction of early pregnancy failure. Predictive value of hormone measurements in maternal and fetal complications of pregnancy. Trisomy 21 is associated with variable defects in cytotrophoblast differentiation along the invasive pathway. First trimester screening for Down syndrome using nuchal translucency, maternal serum pregnancy-associated plasma protein A, free- human chorionic gonadotrophin, placental growth factor and -fetoprotein. Likelihood ratio for trisomy 21 in fetuses with absent nasal bone at the 11-14-week scan. One-stop clinic for assessment of risk for trisomy 21 at 11-14 weeks: a prospective study of 15 030 pregnancies. Absence of fetal nasal bone and aneuploidies at first-trimester nuchal translucency screening in unselected pregnancies. Frontomaxillary facial angle in screening for trisomy 21 at 11 + 0 to 13 + 6 weeks. The fetal frontomaxillary facial angle in normal and trisomy 21 ultrasounds at 11-13+6 weeks of gestation: findings among the ethnic Chinese compared with caucasian. An increase in cost-effectiveness of first trimester maternal screening programmes for fetal chromosome anomalies is obtained by contingent testing. Karyotype and outcome of fetuses diagnosed with cystic hygroma in the first trimester in relation to nuchal translucency thickness. Accuracy of ultrasonography at 11-14 weeks of gestation for detection of fetal structural anomalies: a systematic review. Combining fetal nuchal fold thickness with second trimester biochemistry to screen for trisomy 21. New Down syndrome screening algorithm, ultrasonographic biometry and multiple serum markers combined with maternal age. Model predicted performance of second trimester Down syndrome screening with ultrasound prenasal thickness. Absent or shortened nasal bone length and the detection of Down syndrome in second-trimester fetuses. Prefrontal space ratio: comparison between trisomy 21 and euploid fetuses in the second trimester. The prefrontal space ratio in second and third trimester screening for trisomy 21. Secondtrimester prenatal screening markers for Down syndrome in women with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Strict glycemic control in the diabetic pregnancy-implications for second-trimester screening for Down syndrome. Correction for insulin-dependent diabetes in maternal serum -fetoprotein testing has outlived its usefulness. First trimester maternal serum free -human chorionic gonadotropin and pregnancy-associated plasma protein a in pregnancies complicated by diabetes mellitus. Impact of type 1 diabetes and glycemic control on fetal aneuploidy biochemical markers. First trimester pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A in pregnancies complicated by subsequent gestational diabetes. A re-evaluation of the influence of maternal insulin-dependent diabetes on fetal nuchal translucency thickness and first-trimester maternal serum biochemical markers of aneuploidy. Biochemical screening for down syndrome in pregnancies following renal transplantation. Down syndrome risk calculation for a twin fetus taking account of the nuchal translucency in the co-twin. Screening for trisomies in dichorionic twins by measurement of fetal nuchal translucency thickness according to the mixture model. Ductus venosus Doppler at 11 to 13 weeks of gestation in the prediction of outcome in twin pregnancies. Are firsttrimester screening markers altered in assisted reproductive technologies pregnancies Maternal serum screening for Downs syndrome taking account of the result in a previous pregnancy. Effect on Down syndrome screening performance of adjusting for marker levels in a previous pregnancy. Firsttrimester screening for trisomy 21 with adjustment for biochemical results of previous pregnancies. Second trimester maternal serum analytes in triploid pregnancies, correlation with phenotype and sex chromosome complement. Multiple-marker screening in pregnancies with hydropic and nonhydropic Turner syndrome. Second-trimester maternal serum inhibin a levels in fetal trisomy 18 and Turner syndrome with and without hydrops. Preliminary estimate for the second-trimester maternal serum screening detection rate for the 45,X karyotype using -fetoprotein, unconjugated estriol and human chorionic gonadotropin. Identifying Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome in conjunction with prenatal screening for down syndrome. Low or absent unconjugated estriol in pregnancy, an indicator for steroid sulfatase deficiency detectable by fluorescence in situ hybridization and biochemical analysis. Second-trimester maternal serum markers in twin pregnancies with complete mole, report of 2 cases. Nuchal translucency and major congenital heart defects in fetuses with normal karyotype: a meta-analysis. Prevention of perinatal death and adverse perinatal outcome using: a meta-analysis. Competing risks model in early screening for preeclampsia by biophysical and biochemical markers. Prediction of small-for-gestation neonates from biophysical and biochemical markers at 11-13 weeks. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and the American College of Medical Genetics. The impact of bias in MoM values on patient risk and screening performance for Down syndrome. Impact of bias in serum free beta-human chorionic gonadotropin and pregnancy-associated plasma protein-a multiples of the median levels on first-trimester screening for trisomy 21. A mixture model of nuchal translucency thickness in screening for chromosomal defects. About half of the congenital anomalies can be diagnosed in the late first trimester. Severe and often lethal anomalies can be diagnosed, allowing parents the options of continuing with the pregnancy or, if acceptable, termination of pregnancy. Women appreciate the opportunity of early reassurance or early diagnosis, making this scan an essential first step in screening for congenital anomalies. The focus was initially on high-risk pregnancies6 but gradually extended towards more unselected populations. The fetal spine, although not yet completely ossified, can also be observed along its whole extension from the cervical origin to the sacrum. By tilting the probe on both sides of the fetal body, the extremities are visualised together with the long bones. A first trimester fetus has commonly open hands, easily enabling counting of fingers. The legs are often flexed and the feet close to each other so that in a single sweep, their positions can be assessed. Cross-sectional planes from cranial to caudal show in the head the image of the falx (midline) and of the choroid plexuses, filling at this stage almost entirely the relatively large lateral ventricles. More caudally, the fetal stomach is seen under the heart just above the level of the umbilical cord insertion. Finally, lower in the pelvis, the bladder is seen, flanked by the two umbilical arteries. The kidneys can occasionally be observed as two more echogenic oval structures on both sides of the spine. This quick and gross anatomical survey enables exclusions of major and mostly lethal structural anomalies such as acrania, exencephaly, holoprosencephaly, gross spinal anomalies, abdominal wall defects, megacystis and gross skeletal or limb deformities. Appreciation of the heart axis and of the fourchamber view and outflow tracts by colour Doppler excludes gross cardiac anomalies.

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Amongst those considering screening but previously deterred by miscarriage risk will be women who are clear they would like information about the baby if it could be obtained safely gastritis diet buy macrobid 100mg cheap. For the fetal anomaly scan gastritis symptoms australia buy discount macrobid 50mg on line, the challenge is how to convey that gastritis diet for gastritis generic macrobid 50mg on line, unlike screening for a specific condition diet gastritis kronik cheap macrobid online amex, scanning is a very openended investigation with many different possible outcomes and that the problems identified can be serious or minor gastritis diet cheap macrobid 100 mg otc, common or rare gastritis diet of speyer 100 mg macrobid free shipping. It also needs to be explained that although a scan can sometimes function as a diagnostic test and identify some problems with certainty, in many other instances, the scan only functions as a screening test, and furthermore, probably invasive, diagnostic testing may be indicated. The more skilled the sonographer, the more likely it becomes that minor variations will be identified. Screening for Multiple Conditions A related but distinct issue from ultrasound scanning is how to ensure informed choice when screening (of any form) is being explicitly offered for multiple conditions. The evidence suggests that many people see a clear distinction between the different conditions, the disabling effects of Edwards and Patau being regarded as much more serious and extensive. Some people will, of course, not want screening for any of these conditions, and some will want screening for all three, but it also seems likely that a proportion of those who see no reason to screen for Down syndrome will take a different view about Edwards and Patau syndromes. The United Kingdom also has an antenatal screening programme for haemoglobinopathies, and it is clear that offering separate choices about each tested for condition will eventually become an unsustainable strategy. The revealed choices of women in different parts of implemented screening programmes will be informative here, but a major consultation about future directions and about means and ends is also likely to be needed. Ultrasound in Screening the increasing use of ultrasound technology in screening brings with it additional challenges in relation to information provision. In both cases, the main information challenge is to convey that the true purpose of scanning is to look for signs of problems. Women undergoing ultrasound testing need to be prepared for such an outcome even though the warning may be unwelcome and the information itself a possible cause of disquiet. Sensitive, individualised care from the point of diagnosis that is coordinated and combined with good communication can help parents take some positive memories from a difficult experience and will avoid adding to existing distress. They may need time to accept the reality of the diagnosis and its possible implications. It may be difficult for them to fully grasp the potential outcomes in the space of a single consultation. Some parents may feel the need to have the anomaly confirmed by a second opinion and are likely to want further consultations. For some parents, it is an important part of the process of accepting the reality of the situation and understanding what it may mean for them. When shock means assimilation of information is hard, a clear, carefully paced explanation of the anomaly and the predicted prognosis is crucial. The clinician will need to gauge the response of parents and tailor the communication accordingly. Only by actively listening and responding to parents and involving them in discussions will it be possible to assess the meaning the diagnosis has for them and come to an agreement on the most appropriate plan for management. As a result, explanations need to be as jargon free as possible and logically sequenced with pausing to check that parents are able to take in the most essential information. It can be useful for them to have written information to take away to consolidate what has been said, as well as details of someone they can contact between appointments with any concerns. They may appreciate being signposted to reliable sources of information outside their health care providers to gain as much information as possible about the implications of the diagnosis for them. It is helpful if parents experience good continuity of care and consistent information from all involved in their medical care. This is best achieved by ensuring that there is good multidisciplinary coordination and clear channels of communication among all clinicians working across regional and specialist centres. However, it should not be assumed that news must be deferred until the woman can adjust her clothing and sit up. Some women appreciate the opportunity to see the scan finding, and this in turn may aid understanding. Furthermore, parents appreciate the findings described respectfully and sensitively. Agreeing to have either procedure involves her acceptance of the possibility that her quest for a diagnosis may lead to a procedure-related miscarriage. Although the miscarriage risk may have led to deliberation and difficulty in taking up the testing, it does not mean she has made the psychological leap to the actuality of a confirmed diagnosis and is committed to a particular course of action in this instance. There is little research data to suggest that the timing of the delivery of test results. Although some results will give a clear diagnosis, in the case of common trisomies and well-described genetic conditions, some parents will face chromosomal changes or genetic variants about which little or nothing is known. Communication of findings in this situation can be particularly challenging because of the necessity of delivering the difficult news in real time, giving the clinician little opportunity to prepare. Therefore clear and concise explanation will be essential, along with due regard to the capacity of the parents to take in what they need to know. Along with clarity, there is evidence that parents value empathy and compassion from their providers. The woman will be in a prone and vulnerable position, especially if she is undergoing Pregnancy Management After Diagnosis Postdiagnosis pregnancy management options available to parents will most often depend on the nature of the anomaly and the legal framework relating to abortion. In a limited number of circumstances, in utero interventions may be possible, such as fetal surgery for diaphragmatic hernia, catheters used to drain excess fluid from fetal organs or laser ablation for twin-to-twin transfusion. It is therefore essential to present a clear picture and discuss the risks and benefits of any possible interventions, not just what might apply to the fetus but also the potential for maternal morbidity. Clearly, there are practical and ethical constraints to obtaining this information concurrently with the decision making. The existing literature attests to the immense difficulty in making the decision even for parents who know what they want to do. Such data as available suggest that few parents regret their decisions, although this work is mostly in the context of a decision to terminate. As first trimester screening for fetal anomalies and genetic conditions has become the norm in most developed countries, more parents are faced with decisions at an earlier stage of pregnancy. It is unwarranted to assume that an earlier diagnosis is always psychologically easier to cope with. Also, they may have less recourse to external support because many couples will have delayed announcement of the pregnancy until the first trimester is over. If continuing, they will have longer to adjust to a different reality but also longer to cope with the anxieties around the potential outcomes. It has been shown that information about what might be ahead is valued by parents and can be empowering at a time of crisis. For many women, however, the thought of continuing a pregnancy with a baby who they know will die is as unthinkable as termination is for others. Care for parents continuing a pregnancy has been reported as poor during the remainder of the pregnancy. Although evidence suggests that when termination is available in this circumstance, most women will take up this option, this must not preclude carefully coordinated and supportive care for women continuing their pregnancies. There are very many parents who continue pregnancies after the diagnosis of one of the many anomalies that are not lethal and in which termination might not be offered, such as cleft lip or talipes. Sometimes prenatally diagnosed conditions require ongoing monitoring; sometimes there will be treatment available, and other times there will be no treatment. Whatever the prognosis, the diagnosis means that parents have lost the healthy baby they had expected and will be adjusting to the uncertainty of the remainder of the pregnancy and after the baby is born and will be experiencing many complex emotions. Although such focus is inevitable and right, we know fathers or partners most often have significant engagement in a wanted pregnancy. Some clinicians working in fetal medicine may believe their responsibility stops at the offer of termination. It must be remembered that they too have had their expectations of a healthy baby shattered, evoking feelings that are often in danger of being subsumed in the needs of the mother. For men raised in cultures where males are not encouraged to express emotions, it can be especially difficult to articulate their feelings and needs. It is therefore incumbent upon clinicians caring for the couple make every effort to include the father at all times and to encourage him to seek support if appropriate. Subsequent Pregnancies After the diagnosis of fetal anomaly and particularly it has led to pregnancy loss, the perception of the pregnancy experience will change for most women. Many women will want to be seen again by the clinician who diagnosed the previous anomaly, but others may wish to avoid those who are associated with previous anguish. Anxieties in a subsequent pregnancy do not necessarily subside completely when the moment of the previous diagnosis has passed or when all possible testing has revealed no major problems. Others, having had a bad experience in pregnancy, find it almost impossible to believe they will have a happy outcome. In short, the majority of parents in the pregnancy after a loss will need extra support and carefully coordinated care from their obstetric team. The majority of women who see obstetricians have good outcomes to their pregnancies; this can make the occasions when fetal abnormality occurs harder to manage. We argue for the provision of specialised training for clinicians to help them develop the requisite skills to provide the very best individualised care, along with appropriate support to ensure they can manage the emotional dimension without becoming inured to the impact on parents. Conclusions this article has demonstrated that although the provision of good-quality information is essential in the prenatal testing pathway, facilitating an informed decision goes beyond the delivery of information. The needs and preferences of women and their partners are diverse, as are the experiences and values they bring to the clinic. Conveying complex information about multiple tests and conditions in a way that women can understand is a challenge for clinicians. As testing options increase and testing pathways become more complex, new demands are placed on information providers, and the dilemmas for women are altered rather than being resolved. The development of high-quality information along with staff training therefore remains a priority. However, it is recognised that conveying a prenatal diagnosis of fetal anomaly to parents will always be challenging because of the psychological reaction it is likely to evoke. They also value sensitivity and understanding from the clinician about what the diagnosis might mean to them as individuals. As well as information on their options, parents need well-coordinated care to support them through the ensuing decision-making process and subsequent outcomes. Assessing the psychological effects of prenatal screening tests for maternal and foetal conditions: a systematic review. Promoting informed decisions about cancer screening in communities and healthcare systems. Maternal decisions regarding prenatal diagnosis: rational choices or sensible decisions. Decisions about testing and termination of pregnancy for different fetal conditions: a qualitative study of European white and Pakistani mothers of affected children. The role of attitudes towards the targets of behaviour in predicting and informing prenatal testing choices. Expectations of the parenting experience and willingness to consider selective termination for Down Syndrome. Decision-making and ante-natal screening for sickle cell and thalassaemia disorders-to what extent do faith and religious identity mediate choice Interpretations of informed choice in antenatal screening: a cross-cultural, Q-methodology study. A randomized controlled trial of presenting screen negative results to pregnant women. On being at higher risk: a qualitative study of prenatal screening for chromosomal anomalies. Evidence-based obstetric ethics and informed decision-making by pregnant women about invasive diagnosis after first-trimester assessment of risk for trisomy 21. Decisions about amniocentesis by advanced maternal age patients following maternal serum screening may not always correlate clinically with screening results: need for improvement in informed consent process. The influence of risk estimates obtained from maternal serum screening on amniocentesis rates. Why 99% may not be as good as you think it is: limitations of screening for rare diseases. Prenatal screening for fetal aneuploidy: time to examine where we are and where we are going. Psychological aspects of individualized choice and reproductive autonomy in prenatal screening. Ultrasound screening in pregnancy: advancing technology, soft markers for fetal chromosomal aberrations, and unacknowledged ethical dilemmas. Prenatal diagnosis of fetal abnormality: psychological effects on women in low-risk pregnancies. Antenatal diagnosis of surgically correctable anomalies: effects of repeated consultations on parental anxiety. The routine and the traumatic in prenatal genetic diagnosis: does clinical information inform patient decision-making Different communication strategies for disclosing results of diagnostic prenatal testing. Counseling challenges with variants of uncertain significance and incidental findings in prenatal genetic screening and diagnosis. Long-term psychological consequences of pregnancy termination for fetal abnormality: a cross-sectional study. Norms and prenorms on prenatal diagnosis: new ways to deal with morality in counseling. Communication of prenatal screening and diagnosis results to primary-care health professionals. Continuing with pregnancy after a diagnosis of lethal abnormality: experience of five couples and recommendations for management. When expectant mothers know their baby has a fetal abnormality: exploring a crisis of motherhood through qualitative data-mining.

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Excess fluid accumulates when the net rate of transvascular fluid filtration from the microcirculation is exceeded by the rate of fluid removal from the interstitial space, usually as a result of lymphatic clearance. Postnatally, edema occurs in the neonate in association with a variety of conditions, including respiratory failure, sepsis, and renal failure. Underlying all circumstances in which edema is present, a disturbance in the normal balance of total body salt and water occurs either as a primary. Similarly, the fraction of total body water that comprises interstitial fluid declines during fetal development. The ostensibly quantitative expression of how these forces influence fluid filtration is shown in the equation. For a barrier that is completely impermeable to protein, would assume the value of 1, and for a barrier across which protein moves without restriction, would assume the value of 0. The most complete analysis of fluid filtration across the endothelium would include values for that are specific for each plasma protein. Countless attempts have been made to quantify each of the variables in Equation 166-1 for different organs in animals and in man. All experimental approaches involve assumptions about the validity of the values measured and thus all values so measured lack a sense of finality, particularly in the fetus and newborn. That is, the sum of forces regulating fluid filtration result in a net movement of fluid out of the microcirculation. For instance, the return of lung liquid into the circulation that occurs after birth takes place predominantly across the microcirculation and not by lymphatic channels. Thus Pmv is understood to be the net hydrostatic force for the surface area involved in fluid exchange, even if the hydrostatic pressure at the arterial end of the vessel results in fluid filtration and hydrostatic pressure at the venous end results in fluid reabsorption. Pmv is influenced by the relative vascular resistances in the circulation before and after the fluid-exchanging regions. The importance of considering the profile of vascular resistance distribution is that the effect of a change in arterial pressure on fluid filtration cannot be predicted with certainty. The redistribution of vascular resistance in response to an intervention or a change in condition ultimately determines whether transvascular fluid filtration is affected, and because resistance cannot be assessed clinically, the ability to predict whether a change in transvascular filtration will occur is difficult. For instance, alveolar hypoxia increases pulmonary arterial pressure in both adults and neonates, but alveolar hypoxia affects transvascular fluid filtration only in the newborn. Values that exceed atmospheric pressure and those that are subatmospheric have been measured. For example, in tissue that has suffered thermal trauma, Pi may decrease many fold over baseline, thus contributing, in part, to the rapid accumulation of interstitial fluid seen with burn injuries. The osmotic force of all components of the extracellular fluid is on the order of 5000 to 6000 mm Hg. However, because these components pass unimpeded across the endothelial barrier of the microcirculation. Interstitial protein osmotic pressure, i, has been measured by direct micropuncture, implanted tissue capsules, and absorbent materials placed within the tissue space. The membrane parameter, represents the sieving ability of a semipermeable membrane for protein. High values of imply that osmotic pressure differences across the vascular barrier will exert a greater effect on fluid flux than will lower values of. One can measure in vitro as the ratio between the measured and expected osmotic pressure generated by the protein of interest. Furthermore, the value of this coefficient can be estimated in vivo from experiments in which transvascular fluid filtration is maximized. Equation 166-1 describes the driving forces for transvascular fluid movement, but a different mathematical relationship exists for describing transvascular protein movement. This relationship contains two components, one describing flow of protein as a result of convective movement: Js = (1 -) P J v [166-2] where Js is transvascular protein flow, is the protein reflection coefficient, P is the concentration of protein in the vasculature, and Jv represents net transvascular fluid movement. The second relationship describes the flow of protein as a result of diffusion: Js = K (P - L) [166-3] where K is the product of the permeability and surface area of the microcirculation, and P and L represent the concentration of protein in the vasculature and lymph (interstitium), respectively. In this analysis, Jv is equal to lymph flow and L is equal to lymph protein concentration. Rearranging the above equation, simplifying it, and arranging experimental conditions in which lymph flow is maximized yields the equation = 1 - L/P. Capillaries in other vascular beds contain few if any discontinuous regions, and under these circumstances would be closer to 1. The closer is to unity, the greater the influence of plasma proteins on fluid filtration. First, with a less restrictive barrier, i increases numerically toward mv because the sieving quality of the membrane is diminished. Thus, under conditions in which the vascular barrier is injured, allowing a greater degree of protein leak, administration of protein intravenously to augment vascular protein osmotic pressure and reduce edema formation theoretically should have little, if any, effect. Finally, the coefficient K represents the product of barrier hydraulic conductivity and the surface area available for fluid filtration. Hydraulic conductivity itself is predominantly a function of the density of the pathways for liquid and solute movement and is not necessarily a measure of protein permeability. That is, more pathways, or pores, for solute and liquid exchange might exist under different conditions without the individual pathways being more permeable. Consideration of Equation 166-1 allows several general statements about fluid filtration under normal conditions during steady-state. This difference in protein concentration yields a difference in protein osmotic pressures that is subtracted from the hydrostatic pressure difference term. In this sense, protein osmotic pressure attempts to balance the "edema-promoting" effect of microvascular hydrostatic pressure. Second, because a net exit of fluid from the circulation occurs, the hydrostatic pressure difference term in Equation 166-1 must exceed the difference in osmotic pressure term when total body fluid balance is under consideration. No experimental evidence exists which indicates the presence of net "active" transport of water and solute across the endothelium that would influence transvascular fluid flux. Although the concepts expressed in Equation 166-1 serve physiologists and clinicians well when considering fluid balance in a general sense, the equation does not always allow a precise calculation of the change in fluid filtration (Jv), even when only one variable in the equation changes. This arises because a change in one of the variables in Equation 166-1 usually results in a change in one of the other variables, even if such a change is unexpected. For instance, under conditions in which microvascular hydrostatic pressure is increased, one might assume that transvascular flow will increase by an amount that can be arrived at arithmetically from Equation 166-1. When Pmv increases in the presence of a stable vascular barrier, Jv increases, but as it does, the interstitial protein concentration decreases. This occurs because the driving force for liquid exceeds the bulk flow of protein across the barrier (because is greater than 0 for protein); there is no sieving of water. When interstitial protein concentration is reduced, the protein osmotic pressure difference between the vascular and interstitial spaces increases. Thus from Equation 166-1, Jv will increase in response to an increase in Pmv, but as (mv - i) becomes larger, Jv assumes a new steady-state value that is less than that predicted by the increase in Pmv alone. Additionally, if excess fluid expands the interstitium, interstitial pressure increases to some extent, although the magnitude of this change is not predictable because tissue space compliance is not linear in the presence of increasing interstitial edema. This increase in tissue hydrostatic pressure also acts to slow transvascular fluid movement. Changes that occur in driving forces for filtration that counteract the change in the "edema-promoting" variable are referred to as the edema safety factors. The implication of the edema safety factors is that increases in transvascular filtration are blunted because of the countervailing changes seen in other variables in Equation 166-1. As the lymphatic vasculature is traced centrally, valves appear, and smooth muscle cells surrounding the lymphatics are more consistently observed. Lymphatics ultimately drain into the central circulation through the thoracic and right lymphatic ducts. The movement of interstitial fluid from the tissue space into the terminal lymphatics requires a driving force. Experimental evidence points to the importance of both interstitial pressure and interstitial volume in modulating lymph flow. However, an increase in interstitial pressure alone, in the absence of a change in interstitial volume, would be unlikely to result in a hydrostatic pressure gradient sufficient to account for lymphatic filling. It is the combination of anchoring filaments attached to the external wall of the lymphatics and an increase in interstitial volume that results in a pressure gradient sufficient to account for initial lymphatic filling. Interstitial pressure is closely associated with lymph flow, but the relationship between interstitial pressure and lymph flow is not linear over all tissue pressures. Although an association exists between interstitial pressure and lymph flow, other factors also influence lymphatic clearance. One of the most important is the presence of valves within the lymphatics that provide directionality to flow. Intrinsic forces are those associated with spontaneous lymph vessel contraction and relaxation. Motion associated with respiration and with blood vessel pulsation also contributes to lymphatic movement. If lymph drainage is obstructed, interstitial tissue volume increases and edema becomes obvious, implying that outflow pressure is an important variable influencing the effectiveness of lymph drainage. Venules, arterioles, and capillaries may each contribute to transvascular fluid filtration. Molecular size plays a role in transvascular filtration, with ease of transport into the interstitium being inversely proportional to size. Lymphatics are present in most but not all tissue beds; brain, specific areas of the eye, and bone marrow are examples of organs that do not contain lymphatics. Without the return of protein to the circulation, protein concentration differences between the interstitium and circulation narrow. Lymphatics are located primarily in loose connective tissue spaces and appear to end bluntly. Like blood vessel capillaries, Chapter166-PathophysiologyofEdema 1679 pathway for transvascular protein movement involved in fluid balance. Under some conditions, gaps between endothelial cells can be seen microscopically, but this is not a consistent observation. Cellular contraction is thought to be the means by which intercellular gaps are formed and thus permeability regulated. The molecular initiation of permeability occurs, at least in a number of circumstances, as a result of calcium-dependent events. Calcium entry appears to be regulated, in part, by potassium modulation of transmembrane potential and not through voltage-regulated calcium channels. An increase in intracellular calcium is thought to promote myosin light-chain phosphorylation by kinases and thus initiate contraction. The evidence that intracellular calcium may be influenced by novel means is shown by experiments in which surface molecules, not thought to be receptors for the typical inflammatory ligands, influence vascular permeability. A well-studied example is the ligation of the luminal surface integrin, v3, on the microvasculature, which increases transcapillary liquid flux. These mediators are known to affect vascular permeability, but the mechanism by which this occurs is unclear. In vitro data suggest that albumin per se favorably influences the endothelial barrier. When barrier integrity is compromised, the movement of protein is less restricted, the reflection coefficient is reduced, and any effect of protein osmotic pressure on fluid movement is minimized. In consistency with this theoretical assumption, experiments in which the lung microvasculature has been injured show no change in fluid egress from the pulmonary circulation with the infusion of albumin. Numerous medical conditions are associated with hydrops, but the pathophysiologic link between the condition and edema formation is not clear in many of these patients. Although disturbances in microvascular permeability could be relevant in explaining some cases of fetal hydrops, vascular protein permeability seems to be independent of overall body water content or maturation. Conditions that elevate central venous pressure are common in hydropic infants and thus provide a compelling clinical link for this hypothesis. An elevation in central venous pressure increases microvascular pressure upstream and thus enhances transvascular fluid movement. An increase in central venous pressure also impairs lymphatic drainage into the central circulation and thus increases interstitial fluid volume. If lymphatic drainage is completely interrupted (a limiting-case example of increased central venous pressure), the fetus becomes hydropic. In these studies, increasing central venous pressure by only 5 mm Hg reduced the rate of lymph drainage by nearly 50%. When fetal sheep are paced at rates of 300 to 320 per minute, central venous pressure nearly doubles, without changes in systemic arterial pressure, plasma albumin concentration, or vascular protein permeability. The expectation is that transvascular fluid filtration will decrease as plasma protein concentration increases. For example, infusing albumin in sufficient quantities to increase plasma albumin concentration by as much as 20% or infusing dextran in sufficient quantity to increase plasma osmotic pressure by more than two-fold, has little effect on steady-state lymph flow. The explanation for this response is not completely clear, but probably results from changes in hydraulic conductivity and from changes in the distribution of vascular resistance, both of which could result in changes in effective Pmv. Experiments evaluating hypoproteinemia in the neonate predictably show that lymph flow increases when protein is removed from the circulation.

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