

















































Michaela Ann Dinan, PhD

  • Associate Professor in Population Health Sciences
  • Assistant Professor in Medicine
  • Member of the Duke Cancer Institute
  • Membership in the Duke Clinical Research Institute

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Epithelial displacement in surgical breast specimens following needling procedures. Expression patterns of lymphangiogenic and angiogenic factors in a model of breast ductal carcinoma in situ. Fibroblast growth factor 8 is expressed at higher levels in lactating human breast and in breast cancer. Differential influence of prognostic factors on the occurrence of metastases at various anatomical sites in human breast cancer. Dorsal root entry zone lesions in the treatment of pain related to radiation-induced brachial plexopathy. Correlation between the expression of apoptosis-related bcl-2 and p53 oncoproteins and the carcinogenesis and progression of breast carcinomas. Biomarker analysis on breast ductal lavage cells in women with and without breast cancer. Aberrant c-erbB2 expression in cell clusters overlying focally disrupted breast myoepithelial cell layers: a trigger or sign for emergence of more aggressive cell clones Semiquantitative immunohistochemical analysis of aromatase expression in ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast. Estrogen receptor alpha mutation (A-to-G transition at nucleotide 908) is not found in different types of breast lesions from Japanese women. Ultrasound-guided optical tomographic imaging of malignant and benign breast lesions: initial clinical results of 19 cases. Noninvasive monitoring of breast cancer during neoadjuvant chemotherapy using optical tomography with ultrasound localization. Lymphocyte subpopulation before and after operation in patients with benign vs malignant breast disease. Microvessel density, proliferating activity, p53 and bcl-2 expression in in situ ductal carcinoma of the breast. Stereotactic vacuum-assisted breast biopsy: results, follow-up and correlation with radiological suspicion. Casting-type calcifications with invasion and highgrade ductal carcinoma in situ: a more aggressive disease Analytical Framework Appendix D contains details on analytical framework of the report: algorithm to define eligibility of the studies, definitions, hypotheses, and statistical models. How are incidence and prevalence influenced by mode of detection, genetics, menopausal hormone therapy use, body mass index, mammographic breast density, and other risk factors This evaluation can be possible after reviewing the full text of the articles * Possible synonyms of ductal carcinoma in situ: noninfiltrating intraductal carcinoma, carcinoma in situ, intraductal carcinoma, ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast, localized breast cancer. Adenocarcinoma, Scirrhous1 - An adenocarcinoma with a hard (Greek skirrhos, hard) structure owing to the formation of dense connective tissue in the stroma. Carcinoma in Situ1 - A lesion with cytological characteristics associated with invasive carcinoma but the tumor cells are confined to the epithelium of origin, without invasion of the basement membrane. Carcinoma, Adenoid Cystic1 - Carcinoma characterized by bands or cylinders of hyalinized or mucinous stroma separating or surrounded by nests or cords of small epithelial cells. When the cylinders occur within masses of epithelial cells, they give the tissue a perforated, sievelike, or cribriform appearance. Such tumors occur in the mammary glands, the mucous glands of the upper and lower respiratory tract, and the salivary glands. Carcinoma, Ductal, Breast1 - An invasive (infiltrating) carcinoma of the mammary ductal system. Carcinoma, Papillary1 - A malignant neoplasm characterized by the formation of numerous, irregular, finger-like projections of fibrous stroma that is covered with a surface layer of neoplastic epithelial cells. Sentinel node biopsy1 - A diagnostic procedure used to determine whether lymphatic metastasis has occurred; removal and examination of the sentinel node(s) (the first lymph node(s) to which cancer cells are likely to spread from a primary tumor). Predominantly noninvasive lesion with foci of invasive cancer, each measuring less than 1 mm. Prospective cohort study - Subjects are sampled by exposure status and prospectively followed to outcome occurrence. Retrospective cohort - Subjects are sampled at time when exposure and outcome occurred and followed retrospectively during the time to analyze outcomes levels in exposed and not exposed. Correlations in population level do not presume associations in individual levels. Case-series - Observations on a series of cases with descriptions of outcomes levels after exposure (no control) or 5 comparisons before and after exposure. Definitions from the National Library of Medicine and the National Institute of Health: Epidemiologic Studies. Studies designed to examine associations, commonly, hypothesized causal relations. They are usually concerned with identifying or measuring the effects of risk factors or exposures. These groups may or may not be exposed to factors hypothesized to influence the probability of the occurrence of a particular disease or other outcome. Cohorts are defined populations which, as a whole, are followed in an attempt to determine distinguishing subgroup characteristics. Studies used to test etiologic hypotheses in which inferences about an exposure to putative causal factors are derived from data relating to characteristics of persons under study or to events or experiences in their past. The essential feature is that some of the persons under study have the disease or outcome of interest and their characteristics are compared with those of unaffected persons. Studies in which variables relating to an individual or group of individuals are assessed over a period of time. Observation of a population for a sufficient number of persons over a sufficient number of years to generate incidence or mortality rates subsequent to the selection of the study group. Studies in which the presence or absence of disease or other health-related variables are determined in each member of the study population or in a representative sample at one particular time. Studies which start with the identification of persons with a disease of interest and a control (comparison, referent) group without the disease. The relationship of an attribute to the disease is examined by comparing diseased and nondiseased persons with regard to the frequency or levels of the attribute in each group. Epidemiologic investigations designed to test a hypothesized cause-effect relation by modifying the supposed causal factor(s) in the study population. Work that is the report of a pre-planned clinical study of the safety, efficacy, or optimum dosage schedule of one or more diagnostic, therapeutic, or prophylactic drugs, devices, or techniques in humans selected according to predetermined criteria of eligibility and observed for predefined evidence of favorable and unfavorable effects. While most clinical trials concern humans, this publication type may be used for clinical veterinary articles meeting the requisites for humans. Specific headings for specific types and phases of clinical trials are also available. Studies performed to evaluate the safety of diagnostic, therapeutic, or prophylactic drugs, devices, or techniques in healthy subjects and to determine the safe dosage range (if appropriate). These tests also are used to determine pharmacologic and pharmacokinetic properties (toxicity, metabolism, absorption, elimination, and preferred route of administration). Studies that are usually controlled to assess the effectiveness and dosage (if appropriate) of diagnostic, therapeutic, or prophylactic drugs, devices, or techniques. These studies are performed on several hundred volunteers, including a limited number of patients with the target disease or disorder, and last about two years. During these trials, patients are monitored closely by physicians to identify any adverse reactions from long-term use. These studies are performed on groups of patients large enough to identify clinically significant responses and usually last about three years. Planned post-marketing studies of diagnostic, therapeutic, or prophylactic drugs, devices, or techniques that have been approved for general sale. These studies are often conducted to obtain additional data about the safety and efficacy of a product. Studies comparing two or more treatments or interventions in which the subjects or patients, upon completion of the course of one treatment, are switched to another. In the case of two treatments, A and B, half the subjects are randomly allocated to receive these in the order A, B and half to receive them in the order B, A. A criticism of this design is that effects of the first treatment may carry over into the period when the second is given. Clinical presentations that may be followed by evaluative studies that eventually lead to a diagnosis Calculations of event rates from the original studies. Continuity corrections for 0 cells: Denote the cells of binary data in the presentation of formulae using the following variable names: Study i Treatment Control Event ai ci No Event bi di D-8 Currently, if any of the four cells (a through d) is zero, MetaAnalyst adds 0. Note: Currently, the output of MetaAnalysts lists proportions per study using the continuity correction. The number of avoided or excess events (respectively) per 1000 population is the difference between the two event rates multiplied by 1000: (control group event rate - treatment group event rate)*1000 References for Analytical Framework 1. The use of numbers needed to treat derived from systematic reviews and metaanalysis. F-86 Accuracy and surgical impact of magnetic resonance imaging in detection of multifocal and multicentric ductal carcinoma in situ (modified from systematic review and meta-analysis). Observational studies of the association between control and systematic outcomes and tumor characteristics. Outcomes after mastectomy from observational studies that did not report events and combined treatment options. Observational studies of control and systemic outcomes and treatment based on multivariate analysis. Observational studies of control and systemic outcomes stratified by lumpectomy alone. Observational studies of control and systemic outcomes stratified by lumpectomy + radiation therapy. Population based controls were identified by random-digit dialing among the residents of the same states. White control patients with breast carcinoma were selected randomly and matched to each black patient by the year of breast carcinoma diagnosis in a 3:1ratio. Exclusion: From medical records for 120 black and 346 white patients were reviewed; 20 black patients were excluded (6 had a history of breast carcinoma prior to January 1, 1985, 1 did not have breast carcinoma, 1 had an incorrect race designated, and 12 were duplicate names). Exclusion: Women with low risk of breast cancer who at baseline (1) were premenopausal (n = 569), (2) reported a previous total or partial mastectomy (n = 1870), or (3) reported a personal history of non skin cancer (n = 2293). Adjustment for age (years), ethnic group (white, black, Hispanic, Asian), body mass index [weight (kg) per height squared (m2)], height (cm), parity (parous, nulliparous), age at menarche (years), age at first birth (years; among parous women), first-degree family history of breast cancer (present, absent), and estradiol level (pg per ml). Eligibility was limited to cases with listed telephone numbers and known dates of diagnosis. Of the 4,445 potential controls, 49 (1%) were deceased, 21 (<1%) could not be located, and 376 (9%) refused to participate. Women were eligible from the age of 40 years if they had 1) atypical ductal or lobular hyperplasia, 2) a first first-degree relative with bilateral breast cancer at any age, or 3) two first- or seconddegree relatives with breast cancer, one of whom was diagnosed before age 50 years. Women were eligible from the age of 35 years if they had either 1) lobular carcinoma in situ or 2) two first first-degree relatives with breast cancer, both diagnosed before the age of 50 years. Any women with an estimated 10-year risk of 5% or more were also eligible as risk equivalent after approval by the study chairman. Exclusion: Any previous invasive cancer (except nonmelanoma skin cancer), a previous deep-vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism, current use of anticoagulants, or a life expectancy judged to be <10 years, present or planned pregnancy. Inclusion criteria: Retrospective study of consecutive tests performed in a clinical setting in 10,000 individuals analyzed by Myriad Genetic Laboratories over a 3-year period. Exclusion: Non completed by health care provider information to specify the ancestry of the proband, the family history (including breast, ovarian, and other cancers, age of diagnosis, and relationship to patient), whether the proband had not been diagnosed with cancer, or whether there was a history of breast, ovarian, or other cancers, including the age of diagnosis of each. Controls were female Connecticut residents selected by random-digit-dialing methods by an outside consulting firm (Northeast Research) and were frequency matched by 5-year age intervals to the cases Exclusion: Previous history of breast cancer and/or a breast biopsy of unknown outcome. Exclusion: Previous history of breast cancer and/or a breast biopsy of unknown outcome. The final sample included 1,068 case and 999 control subjects, with overall response rates of 76 and 70% for cases and controls, respectively.

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Abnormal mammogram follow-up: do community lay health advocates make a difference Does biopsy, aspiration or six-month follow-up of a false-positive mammogram reduce future screening or have large psychosocial effects The impact of breast cancer screening among younger women in the Barretos Region, Brazil. Pathological and biological differences between screen-detected and interval ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast. Closing the gap in mammogram screening: an experimental intervention among low-income Hispanic women in community health clinics. Establishing treatment benchmarks for mammographyscreened breast cancer population based on a review of evidence-based clinical guidelines. Differences in radiological patterns, tumour characteristics and diagnostic precision between digital mammography and screen-film mammography in four breast cancer screening programmes in Spain. Phenotypic characterization and risk factors for interval breast cancers in a population-based breast cancer screening program in Barcelona, Spain. Tumor phenotype and breast density in distinct categories of interval cancer: results of population-based mammography screening in Spain. Interreader scoring variability in an observer study using dual-modality imaging for breast cancer detection in women with dense breasts. Additional double reading of screening mammograms by radiologic technologists: impact on screening performance parameters. Independent double reading of screening mammograms in the Netherlands: effect of arbitration following reader disagreements. Prediction of breast tumor size by mammography and sonography-A breast screen experience. Satisfaction with initial screen and compliance with biennial breast screening at centers with and without nurses. Estimating personal costs incurred by a woman participating in mammography screening in the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program. Patient navigation and case management following an abnormal mammogram: a randomized clinical trial. Screening mammograms by community radiologists: variability in false-positive rates. Clinical breast examination in a comprehensive breast cancer screening program: contribution and cost. The effects of primary care on breast cancer mortality and incidence among Medicare beneficiaries. Decreasing incidence of late-stage breast cancer after the introduction of organized mammography screening in Italy. Measuring the performance of screening mammography in community practice with Medicare claims data. Screening prior to Breast Cancer Diagnosis: the More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same. Interval cancer and survival in a randomized breast cancer screening trial in Stockholm. Influence of abnormal screens on delays and prognostic indicators of screen-detected breast carcinoma. Time trends of process and impact indicators in Italian breast screening programmes (1999-2009). The effect of screening programmes on the treatment of benign breast neoplasms: observations from current practice in Italy. A comparative study of conventional mammography film interpretations with soft copy readings of the same examinations. The perils of ignoring design effects in experimental studies: lessons from a mammography screening trial. An assessment of the quality of mammography care at facilities treating medically vulnerable populations. Timeliness of abnormal screening and diagnostic mammography follow-up at facilities serving vulnerable women. Completion axillary dissection can safely be omitted in screen detected breast cancer patients with micrometastases. A single institution review of new breast malignancies identified solely by sonography. Comparison between 99mTc-sestamibi scintimammography and X-ray mammography in the characterization of clusters of microcalcifications: a prospective long-term study. Trends in recall, biopsy, and positive biopsy rates for screening mammography in an academic practice. A significant number of women present with palpable breast cancer even with a normal mammogram within 1 year. Use of imaging and biomarker tests for posttreatment care of early-stage breast cancer survivors. Factors associated with advanced disease stage at diagnosis in a population-based study of patients with newly diagnosed breast cancer. Positive predictive value of mammography: comparison of interpretations of screening and diagnostic images by the same radiologist and by different radiologists. Deterministic models for breast cancer progression: application to the association between mammographic parenchymal pattern and histologic grade of breast cancers. Ability to predict breast cancer in Asian women using a polygenic susceptibility model. Short-term follow-up of palpable breast lesions with benign imaging features: evaluation of 375 lesions in 320 women. Increase in cancer detection and recall rates with independent double interpretation of screening mammography. Trends in breast cancer mortality in Sweden before and after implementation of mammography screening. Comparison of woman-specific versus breastspecific data for reporting screening mammography performance. Assessing health care use and cost consequences of a new screening modality: the case of digital mammography. Comparison of acquisition parameters and breast dose in digital mammography and screen-film mammography in the American College of Radiology Imaging Network digital mammographic imaging screening trial. Missed and true interval and screen-detected breast cancers in a population based screening program. Number and characteristics of breast cancer cases diagnosed in four periods in the screening interval of a biennial population-based screening programme. Screening-detected breast cancers: discordant independent double reading in a population-based screening program. Sensitivity and specificity of mammographic screening as practised in Vermont and Norway. Comparison of breast mammography, sonography and physical examination for screening women at high risk of breast cancer in taiwan. Risk for distant recurrence of breast cancer detected by mammography screening or other methods. Inadequate follow-up of abnormal screening mammograms: findings from the race differences in screening mammography process study (United States). Detection of breast cancer with mammography in the first screening round in relation to expected incidence in different age groups. Are benefits and harms in mammography screening given equal attention in scientific articles Improved breast cancer survival following introduction of an organized mammography screening program among both screened and unscreened women: a population-based cohort study. The National Cancer Screening Program for breast cancer in the Republic of Korea: is it cost-effective Language barriers, location of care, and delays in followup of abnormal mammograms. Population-based mammography screening results in substantial savings in treatment costs for fatal breast cancer. Effect of screening mammography on breast cancer survival in comparison to other detection methods: a retrospective cohort study. Effect of screening mammography on cumulative survival of Japanese women aged 40-69 years with breast cancer. Performance of screening mammography among women with and without a first-degree relative with breast cancer. An abnormal screening mammogram causes more anxiety than a palpable lump in benign breast disease. Depression and anxiety diagnoses are not associated with delayed resolution of abnormal mammograms and pap tests among vulnerable women. Expansion of screening mammography in the Veterans Health Administration: implications for breast cancer treatment. Mammographic abnormalities caused by percutaneous stereotactic biopsy of histologically benign lesions evident on follow-up mammograms. Existing data sources for clinical epidemiology: the Danish Quality Database of Mammography Screening. Performance parameters for screening and diagnostic mammography in a community practice: are there differences between specialists and general radiologists Comparison of full-field digital mammography with screen-film mammography for cancer detection: results of 4,945 paired examinations. Rapid staining and immediate interpretation of fine-needle aspiration cytology for palpable breast lesions: diagnostic accuracy, mammographic, ultrasonographic and histopathologic correlations. Fissures segmentation using surface features: content-based retrieval for mammographic mass using ensemble classifier. Timely care after an abnormal mammogram among lowincome women in a public breast cancer screening program. Stage of breast cancer at diagnosis among low-income women with access to mammography. Nonattendance in mammographic screening: a study of intraurban differences in Malmo, Sweden, 1990-1994. Crude open biopsy rates for benign screen detected lesions no longer reflect breast screening quality-time to change the standard. Mammography use, breast cancer stage at diagnosis, and survival among older women. Ultrasound is a useful adjunct to mammography in the assessment of breast tumours in all patients. Evaluating a risk-based model for mammographic screening of women in their forties. Why cancer at the primary site and in the lymph nodes contributes to the risk of cancer death. Gauging the impact of breast carcinoma screening in terms of tumor size and death rate. Beyond breast cancer: mammographic features and mortality risk in a population of healthy women. Age of diagnosis, tumor size, and survival after breast cancer: implications for mammographic screening. Improving the reliability of diagnostic tests in population-based agreement studies. Knowledge, attitude and beliefs women attending mammography units have regarding breast cancer and early diagnosis. Screen film vs full-field digital mammography: image quality, detectability and characterization of lesions. Introduction of organised mammography screening in Tyrol: results of a one-year pilot phase. Comparison of radiation exposure and associated radiation-induced cancer risks from mammography and molecular imaging of the breast. Breast cancer screening policies in developing countries: a cost-effectiveness analysis for India. Diagnostic mammography and ultrasonography for palpable and nonpalpable breast cancer in women aged 30 to 39 years. Two-view mammography at the incident round has improved the rate of screen-detected breast cancer in Wales. False positive results do not have a negative effect on reattendance for subsequent breast screening. Attending breast cancer screening alone does not explain the detection of tumours at an early stage. Early diagnosis, not differential treatment, explains better survival in service screening. Can missed breast cancer be recognized by regular peer auditing on screening mammography Detection of breast cancer in asymptomatic and symptomatic groups using computer-aided detection with full-field digital mammography. Sonographic findings of high-grade and non-high-grade ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast. Impact of a mammography screening programme on the breast cancer population of the Region of Valencia (Spain). Defining menopausal status in epidemiologic studies: A comparison of multiple approaches and their effects on breast cancer rates.

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The detection of these cells on histological examination Published: March 09 nodular gastritis definition buy generic pyridium 200mg on-line, 2017 13/16 Rhabdomyoblasts in Pediatric Tumors: A Review with Emphasis on their Diagnostic Utility is considered one of the main parameters for the diagnosis of rhabdomyosarcoma gastritis and esophagitis buy generic pyridium. Clinicopathological features as well as prognostic and treatment strategies for pediatric neoplasms showing rhabdomyoblastic differentiation are provided in table 1. Histological examination showing a solid tumor composed of a mixture of blastemal and mesenchymal neoplastic cells (hematoxylin-eosin). Table 1: Clinical and prognostic features of Pediatric Soft Tissue neoplasms showing rhabdomyoblastic differentiation. Published: March 09, 2017 14/16 Rhabdomyoblasts in Pediatric Tumors: A Review with Emphasis on their Diagnostic Utility 4. Non-germ-cell or teratomatous malignant tumors showing additional rhabdomyoblastic differentiation, with emphasis on the malignant Triton tumor. Pleomorphic Rhabdomyosarcoma Arising from True Vocal Fold of Larynx: Report of a Rare Case and Literature Review. A case of infantile rhabdomyofibrosarcoma with immunohistochemical, electronmicroscopical, and genetic analyses. Infantile rhabdomyofibrosarcoma: a high-grade sarcoma distinguishable from infantile fibrosarcoma and rhabdomyosarcoma. Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor with rhabdomyosarcomatous differentiation (malignant triton tumor). Non-germ-cell or teratomatous malignant tumors showing additional rhabdomyoblastic differentiation, with emphasis on the malignant triton tumor. A malignant tumor of migratory neural crest (ectomesenchyme) remnants showing ganglionic, schwannian, melanocytic and rhabdomyoblastic differentiation. The role of Wt1 in regulating mesenchyme in cancer, development, and tissue homeostasis. Fetal rhabdomyomatous nephroblastoma: report of 14 cases confirming chemotherapy resistance. Type I pleuropulmonary blastoma: pathology and biology study of 51 cases from the international pleuropulmonary blastoma registry. Pleuropulmonary blastoma (pulmonary blastoma of childhood): genetic link with other embryonal malignancies That said, as noted above, most of the commonly occurring comorbidities should not necessarily be considered contraindications to treatment. Ongoing research examining strategies to augment exposure therapy with medications. Although there is some evidence that patients who are permanently disabled during trauma may require additional therapy to help them adjust to their limitations [76], the role of pain medications has not been examined. We also expect to see the target outcomes broadened to include commonly associated problems such as depression and anger, as well as quality of life and functioning. These outcomes are not consistently described in treatment outcome research yet are critical to evaluating the potential value of an intervention. For example, several studies are now underway to examine the use of adjunct pharmacological agents that are thought to facilitate extinction learning during exposure therapy. Finally, we expect that there will be further development in novel treatment delivery methods that exploit technological advances. We hope that the coming years will witness significant growth in our understanding of effective dissemination and implementation strategies so that we can better connect evidence-based treatments with those who stand to benefit from them. Gender differences in anxiety disorders: prevalence, course of illness, comorbidity, and burden of illness. Invisible Wounds of War: Psychological and Cognitive Injuries, Their Consequences, and Services to Assist Recovery. Diseases among men 20 years after exposure to severe stress: implications for clinical research and medical care. Posttraumatic stress disorder and health functioning in a non-treatment-seeking sample of Iraq war veterans: a prospective analysis. Prevalence of personality disorders among combat veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder. Personality disorders in veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder and depression. Posttraumatic stress disorder and functioning and quality of life outcomes in a nationally representative sample of male Vietnam veterans. Health functioning impairments associated with posttraumatic stress disorder, anxiety disorders, and depression. Cocaine dependence with and without posttraumatic stress disorder: a comparison of substance use, trauma history and psychiatric comorbidity. Practice guideline for the treatment of patients with acute stress disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder. Randomized trial of prolonged exposure for posttraumatic stress disorder with and without cognitive restructuring: outcome at academic and community clinics. The addition of cognitive restructuring did not enhance outcome of prolonged exposure. Outcomes of community clinic providers were equivalent to outcomes of expert providers at an academic treatment center. A randomized clinical trial to dismantle components of cognitive processing therapy for posttraumatic stress disorder in female victims of interpersonal violence. Post-traumatic stress disorder in the context of terrorism and other civil conflict in Northern Ireland: randomised controlled trial. A comparison of exposure therapy, stress inoculation training, and their combination for reducing posttraumatic stress disorder in female assault victims. Treating acute stress disorder: an evaluation of cognitive behavior therapy and supporting counseling techniques. In: Advances in the Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Cognitive-Behavioral Perspectives. Department of Veterans Affairs and Health Affairs, Department of Defense, Office of Quality and Performance Publication. Virtual reality exposure therapy for the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder following September 11, 2001. Implosive (flooding) therapy reduces symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder in Vietnam combat veterans. A comparison of cognitive-processing therapy with prolonged exposure and a waiting condition for the treatment of chronic posttraumatic stress disorder in female rape victims. Imaginal exposure alone and imaginal exposure with cognitive restructuring in treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder. Cognitive behavioral therapy for posttraumatic stress disorder in women: a randomized controlled trial. Treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder by exposure and/or cognitive restructuring: a controlled study. A trial of eye movement desensitization compared with image habituation training and applied muscle relaxation in posttraumatic stress disorder. Pilot study on prolonged exposure of Japanese patients with posttraumatic stress disorder due to mixed traumatic events. Prolonged exposure therapy for combat- and terror-related posttraumatic stress disorder: a randomized control comparison with treatment as usual. Comparative efficacy of treatments for post-traumatic stress disorder: a meta-analysis. Psychological treatments for chronic posttraumatic stress disorder: systematic review and metaanalysis. Cognitive and affective predictors of treatment outcome in cognitive processing therapy and prolonged exposure for posttraumatic stress disorder. Concurrent naltrexone and prolonged exposure therapy for patients with co-morbid alcohol dependence and posttraumatic stress disorder: a randomized control trial. A randomized controlled trial of cognitive-behavioral treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder in severe mental illness. Dialectical behavior therapy for posttraumatic stress disorder related to childhood sexual abuse: a pilot study of an intensive residential treatment program. Changes in reported physical health symptoms and social function with prolonged exposure therapy for chronic posttraumatic stress disorder. A randomized controlled trial of exposure therapy and cognitive restructuring for posttraumatic stress disorder. This fifth annual Skin Cancer Prevention Progress Report provides a comprehensive summary of the most recent data available and highlights developments and success stories since the release of the 2018 Progress Report. These annual updates to the report provide information to monitor progress, learn from successes, reveal areas that need improvement, and identify opportunities to work collaboratively to reduce the incidence of skin cancer. Strategic Goals and Partners to Support Skin Cancer Prevention in the United States Strategic Goals Goal 1: Increase opportunities for sun protection in outdoor settings. Goal 3: Promote policies that advance the national goal of preventing skin cancer. Goal 5: Strengthen research, surveillance, monitoring, and evaluation related to skin cancer prevention. High School Girls Half as Likely to Indoor Tan When State Law Prohibits Use In July 2018, the American Journal of Public Health published a paper on the association between state indoor tanning laws and indoor tanning behavior among high school students. Parental permission laws were not found to be associated with indoor tanning prevalence among either female or male high school students. Low Sunscreen Use Found Among Children Compared to Other Preventive Behaviors A paper published in Pediatric Dermatology in September 2018 examined sunscreen use among a sample of 5,119 fifth grade students and found lower use of sunscreen compared to adherence to other basic preventive behaviors (such as brushing and flossing teeth, helmet use, seat belt use, and well-child examination). Skin Cancer Misperceptions Among Black and Hispanic Adults Data from 18 focus groups on skin cancer knowledge, awareness, beliefs, and preventive behaviors among black and Hispanic men and women were published in Preventive Medicine Reports in October 2018. Shade as an Environmental Design Tool for Skin Cancer Prevention the American Journal of Public Health published an analytic essay on shade as an environmental design tool for skin cancer prevention in December 2018. Low Use of Shade and Sunscreen Found Among Agricultural and Construction Workers In February 2019, a paper on use of sun protection and sunburn among agricultural and construction workers was published in Preventing Chronic Disease. Agricultural workers had a higher prevalence of almost all sun-protection behaviors compared to construction workers. Prevalence of regular shade and sunscreen use was lower among agricultural and construction workers compared to national estimates. Findings reported in a research letter published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology in March 2019 indicate little change in the prevalence of sunburn among U. However, more efforts are needed to help communities adapt and adopt these strategies and programs to meet their unique needs and maximize the likelihood of sustainability of sun-safety interventions over time. Each Year, One in Five Sun-Sensitive Older Adults Gets Sunburned In June 2019, a paper that described sun protection behaviors and sunburn among U. Men, adults between 65 and 69 years old, non-Hispanic whites, and those with skin that burns or freckles after repeated sun exposure were more likely to have been sunburned in the past year compared to the respective comparison groups. High School Students A paper published in the Journal of Community Health in June 2019 assessed changes in the prevalence of indoor tanning among U. However, continued efforts are needed to further reduce and sustain reductions in adolescent indoor tanning. Lack of Time Is an Important Barrier to Clinical Counseling on Skin Cancer Prevention the U. Preventive Services Task Force recommends that clinicians counsel fair-skinned patients aged 6 months to 24 years on skin cancer prevention and selectively counsel fair-skinned adults older than 24 years. A paper published in Preventive Medicine in July 2019 described self-reported skin cancer prevention counseling practices among family practitioners, internists, pediatricians, and nurse practitioners. Over the past year, results from this work have been published in the peer reviewed literature. In line with the evidence-based skin cancer prevention recommendations included in the Guide to Community Preventive Services14, Be Well Baytown uses a multi-component communitywide approach to improve sun protection in a variety of settings. The following section highlights key successes carried out in partnership with four local organizations in Baytown including child care centers; primary, middle and high schools; and outdoor recreational and tourism settings. Sixth through eighth grade: the Sunwise Program Ninth through twelfth grade: Sun safety education (SunSmart America) targeted to athletics and band departments Installed sun shades at one Baytown primary school with more efforts planned in future years. Outdoor recreational and tourism settings Enhanced outdoor environments throughout the city of Baytown, including the installation of 10 sunscreen dispensers, 5 sun shades in city parks and 10 sunscreen dispensers at Lee College, a public community college. Conducted annual skin cancer prevention trainings for City of Baytown Parks and Recreation employees. Provided sun-protective clothing and wide-brimmed hats to all City of Baytown Parks and Recreation employees when working outdoors. Delivered educational forums to Lee College faculty, staff, and students to increase knowledge on sun safety and skin cancer risks. Since its inception, Be Well Baytown has made notable progress in its skin cancer prevention efforts with more coordinated efforts planned in future years of the initiative. For more information about Be Well Communities and Be Well Baytown, please visit Health educators aim to raise community awareness of skin cancer and educate the public on skin cancer prevention and early detection strategies through presentations, teacher trainings, and material development.

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High dietary intake of magnesium may decrease risk of colorectal cancer in Japanese men. The relation of magnesium and calcium intakes and a genetic polymorphism in the magnesium transporter to colorectal neoplasia risk. Sartori S, Nielsen I, Tassinari D, Mazzotta D, Vecchiatti G, Sero A, Abbasciano V. Serum and erythrocyte magnesium concentrations in solid tumors: relationship with stage and malignancy. Vincenzi B, Galluzzo S, Santini D, Rocci L, Loupakis F, Correale P, Addeo R, Zoccoli A, Napolitano A, Graziano F, Ruzzo A, Falcone A, Francini G, Dicuonzo G, Tonini G. Does a higher ratio of serum calcium to magnesium increase the risk for postmenopausal breast cancer The decision for early termination may increase mental health symptoms and conflict within the family system (Lipp, 2009). Variability in associated symptoms as well as age at diagnosis are likely to impact the treatment approach. Counselors could provide support for the family in order for them to make important decisions about birth and equip the family with resources that they may need following birth. Such injections are conducted several times per week, with potential side effects to include headaches, scoliosis, and even carpal tunnel syndrome. Counselors involved with a family at this stage could help to normalize the experience that the parents feel while balancing the independent needs of the adolescent. A well-adjusted child in elementary school, Brenda began showing signs of isolating herself from others when she entered middle school. In fact, Brenda has noticed that she is the only girl who has not developed breasts. Whereas she used to be the girl everyone wanted to play with due to her personality, she has found that boys are now interested in the other girls. After years of unsuccessful attempts to have a child, Brenda was their miracle child. Maybe due in part to the feelings of Brenda being a miracle, Carl and Jean noted that they somehow thought Brenda already knew that she was different and had just adjusted well. After all, there were weekly appointments for growth hormone therapy, and they had always stressed how they thought that they would never be able to have children. Feeling like failures as parents and worried about their daughter, Carl and Jean were encouraged to seek out the support of a counselor. In establishing this relationship, Carl and Jean establish three specific goals for therapy. Finally, Carl and Jean established what they noted as the most important goal for them, although the couple noted that they understood that they could not make much progress on meeting the final goal until they were able to work on the first two. In this goal, the family expressed a desire for their daughter to adapt positively to her environment in order to increase her self-esteem and feelings of belonging with her peer group. A referral to this agency may be beneficial in increasing support as well as education. Thanks to advancements in early screenings and treatment for individuals with this condition, the potential for early, ongoing interventions has increased the overall prognosis for individuals with this condition. Therefore, the current article serves only as a baseline foundation for what counselors should know. Care of girls and women with Turner syndrome: A guideline of the Turner syndrome study group. Psychological and behavioural aspects of patients with Turner syndrome from childhood to adulthood: A review of the clinical literature. Outcome of fetuses with Turner syndrome: A 10-year congenital anomaly register based study. Meaning in life, emotion-oriented coping, generalized self-efficacy, and family cohesion as predictors of family satisfaction among mothers of children with disabilities. Health status in women with Turner syndrome: A questionnaire study on health status, education, work participation, and aspects of sexual functioning. The experience and influence of infertility: Considerations for couple counselors. Staging Bone Tumors because skip lesions that are close to the primary tumor may not be easily resolved with bone scintigraphy. Occasionally, however, gadolinium will allow one to better identify areas of solid tumor amid necrosis and hemorrhage, which is important for biopsy planning, and joint involvement. Lymphadenopathy accompanying primary bone sarcomas is rare, and a dedicated search for lymph node spread is thus rarely undertaken. Bone metastases are uncommon at initial presentation of patients with primary bone sarcomas. However, the presence of osteosarcoma metastasis may affect treatment; therefore, skeletal scintigraphy is recommended for patients with osteosarcoma [31, 32]. Tumor is greater than 8 cm in length and would be classified as T2 using revised American Joint Committee on Cancer staging system [17]. A, Radiograph shows ossified mass along posterior aspect of distal femoral metadiaphysis. This finding would be considered intracompartmental and classified as T1 using Enneking staging system [14]. Fatsuppressed T2-weighted coronal image with wide field of view shows primary tumor in proximal tibia (arrow). This finding would be classified as T3 using revised American Joint Committee on Cancer staging system [17]. A, Arm radiograph shows osteosarcoma of proximal humerus with large soft-tissue mass. Obtaining an adequate specimen for microscopic analysis completes the staging process and allows a histologic grade (G) to be assigned. The biopsy should be performed after all imaging studies that might otherwise become compromised by postbiopsy edema and hemorrhage have been obtained. The biopsy should be attempted only after consultation with the surgeon who plans to operate on the tumor because the biopsy track must be excised with the tumor and hence must not contaminate additional compartments, neu- rovascular structures, or areas that may be used for reconstruction. Benign Neoplasms Although not routinely used by radiologists, a staging system for benign bone tumors that is based on the biologic behavior of the tumors as suggested by the radiographic findings has been described by Enneking [36]. Stage 1 tumors are latent benign bone neoplasms that remain static or heal spontaneously. Further radiographic and clinical observation is usually not required, nor is treatment for lesions that are not at risk for or have not undergone fracture. Stage 2 tumors are active benign bone tumors; their behavior shows progressive growth, but extension is limited by natural barriers. These tumors are typically treated via curettage, and therefore additional imaging studies may be required preoperatively to assess the tumor extent. Stage 3 tumors are locally invasive benign bone tumors; their behavior shows progressive growth not limited by natural barriers. These tumors are typically treated via extended curettage or marginal resection with or without adjuvant therapy, and therefore additional imaging is usually required preoperatively. B, Skeletal scintigram shows increased radiotracer activity in ulnar diaphysis (white arrowhead), corresponding to primary tumor, and increased activity in contralateral distal femur (black arrowhead) adjacent to physis. C, Knee radiograph shows histologically confirmed osteosarcoma metastasis (arrowhead) in distal femoral metaphysis. Conclusion Proper selection of the appropriate imaging techniques for the evaluation of a patient with a suspected bone tumor is crucial for successful diagnosis and management; radiologists should work closely with the orthopedic oncologists for optimal management of patients with primary bone tumors. Transcompartmental extension, however, remains an important feature of the Enneking system. These features, which are important for staging, should be evaluated by the radiologist and mentioned in his or her report. It is not necessary for most radiologists to be intimately familiar with the details of the two staging systems. Skeletal metastases of unknown origin: a prospective study of a diagnostic strategy. A, Knee radiograph shows radiolucent lesion with sclerotic margins (white arrowheads) in epiphysis of distal femur and with probable extension into metaphysis (black arrowhead). A, Wrist radiograph shows slightly expansile radiolucent lesion of distal radius extending to articular surface. All radiologists, however, should be aware that imaging factors heavily in the staging of bone tumors, and a basic knowledge of bone tumor staging parameters will help the radiologist produce meaningful reports. Scintigraphic evaluation of primary bone tumors: comparison of technetium99m phosphonate and gallium citrate imaging. Imaging of malignant tumours of the long bones in children: monitoring response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy and preoperative assessment. Dynamic magnetic resonance imaging of regional contrast access as an additional prognostic factor in pediatric osteosarcoma. Assessment of osteosarcoma response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy: comparative usefulness of dynamic gadolinium-enhanced spin-echo magnetic resonance imaging and technetium-99m skeletal angioscintigraphy. The indications for and limitations of bone scintigraphy in osteogenic sarcoma: a review of 55 patients. Evaluation of chemotherapy response in pediatric bone sarcomas by [F-18]-fluorodeoxyD-glucose positron emission tomography. Definition of Cancer (Continued) A class of genetic disease caused by disregulation of various cellular pathways that orchestrate cell growth and death. Cancer did not become a major societal challenge until the middle 20th century when life expectancy rose due to better nutrition, sanitation, and improving medical care. Germ cells arise via meiosis, a process that uses many of the same intracellular components as mitosis. For example skin and epithelial cells have a rapid turnover in the human body in order to replace the ones constantly being worn away. Cells that make up organs such as the eye and the brain rarely multiply in adults. Types of Mutated Genes 25 27 Cancer is a multi-step disease Multiple mutations in several distinct genes are usually required for normal cells to become cancerous. The progressive accumulation of these multiple hits explains the age-incidence of cancer and the tendency of some types of cancer to be dependent on genetic background. Cancers are clonal All the cells in a tumor originate from a single ancestral cell. But, not all cells in a tumor have the same genotype because cancer cells are genetically unstable. Clonal selection of variant progeny with the most robust growth properties play major contributing roles. Apoptosis is a normal and healthy process of cell death (leaves falling from trees). Types of Mutated Genes Secreated growth factors (allow autocrine stimulation) Increased growth factor receptors Signal from cell-surface receptor is mutated in the "on" position. Disabled Tumor suppressor genes: both alleles with loss-of-function (inactivating) mutations. Telomeres become smaller and smaller with each cell division in normal somatic Cells because telomerase is not active. Our understanding of early metastatic events is limited due to lack of detection tools. Pneumonectomy Sleeve Resection Wedge Resection Lobectomy 80 the principle goals of radiotherapy is to deliver a tumoricidal dose of radiation to the cancer with sparing of the surrounding normal tissue the field of radiotherapy involves the use of ionizing radiation to treat cancer through several mechanisms of inducing cell death Radiotherapy can be used radically with a curative intent or to achieve palliation. Why current therapies fail Tumor cells are genetically unstable Tumors can become drug resistant Tumors can remain dormant for years Tumor metastases are hard to find and difficult to access Current therapies are toxic to the patient Morbidity and Mortality Metastases Rupture into major vessels, structure Starvation Infection Compression of vital organs Organ failure Physical activity reduces cancer risk o Decreases insulin and insulin-like growth factors o Decreases obesity o Decreases inflammatory mediators and free radicals o Increased gut motility Healthy diet reduces cancer risk Good night sleep boost immune system Self-examination - Early detection Annual doctor visits - Early detection Education: Its achievement requires knowledge of the disease process and understanding of the social and economic facto. The involved testicles had "flattened" appearance and parenchymal doppler signals showed increased intratesticular vascular resistance. After decompression, there was disappearance of pain and improved flow with normalization of testicular vascularity. A case of clinically acute scrotum in 14-month-old boy who underwent emergency exploration was found to be due to intense inflammation of hydrocele wall confirmed by histopathology. Testes with spermatic cord hydroceles were significantly longer than those with testicular hydroceles. The large testes (over 20 mm) with spermatic cord hydroceles showed significantly larger diameter of seminiferous tubules compared to small testes (under 13 mm) with testicular hydroceles. The larger testes with spermatic cord hydroceles could be caused by testicular stromal edema due to an increase of resistance to venous and lymphatic flow by hydrostatic compression on the spermatic cord, whereas the smaller testes with testicular hydroceles could be caused by the shrinkage of the seminiferous tubules due to hydrostatic pressure to the testes. Children with hydrocele and pathological findings are significantly older than hydrocele patients with no associated pathology.

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